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EUFOR Medal Parade at Camp Butmir

Szöveg: |  2016. november 2. 5:44

87 service personnel from 7 different nations were presented the European Union Common Security and Defence Policy Medal Althea in Camp Butmir, Sarajevo on 25 October. Brigadier General Albert Sáfár, Chief of Staff EUFOR, thanked them for their dedicated service and stated, “EUFOR’s presence in this country is still of great importance.

Our mutual and international assistance and support – which includes your devotion, too – contributed and still contributes to the safe and secure environment, to the training of the Armed Forces, and to the path of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards the EU."

The EUFOR Operation Althea is currently made up of soldiers from 15 EU member states and 5 partner nations. Its primary roles are to provide capacity building and training support to the Armed Forces of BiH and to support BiH efforts to maintain a safe and secure environment, whilst providing support to the overall EU comprehensive strategy for BiH.


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