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Exercise Silver Saber – The Hungarians Have Proved Themselves

Szöveg: 1st Lt. Gergő Tamás |  2012. március 24. 14:01

The joint Portuguese–Hungarian KFOR Tactical Reserve Maneuver Battalion (KTM) recently conducted a KFOR-level exercise as part of their training program at Camp Vrelo, Kosovo.

The aim of Exercise “Silver Saber" was to demonstrate and harmonize the crowd and riot control (CRC) procedures of the Kosovo Police, the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) and all KFOR units, which reveals the level of interoperability among the soldiers of multinational subunits in critical situations.

The exercise planning was done by the staff of the joint Portuguese–Hungarian battalion, liaison officer Capt. Ákos Kreácsik told us. According to the fictitious scenario, a group of anti-election protesters turned up in the area, so the Kosovo Police tried to disperse the crowd. To execute the maneuver, they called in the EULEX, and joined forces with it to split the crowd and push the protesters back from the environment of a property with designated special status. In what followed, the protesters returned to the building in strength, so that bringing them under control required the airlift of the Quick Reaction Force (QRF) to the scene, while the forces of the Multinational Specialized Unit also started to advance into the area during the ground phase.

They kept pushing back the rioters, who set up a roadblock in their way. This was the moment when the troops of the KTM battalion were deployed. The Portuguese–Hungarian battalion drove the protesters off the roadblock to secure the area for the action of a Swiss EOD team, which found a time bomb on the obstacle and blasted it by remote control.

Two peacekeepers were wounded in the clash. They received a quick and professional first aid, and were MEDEVACed from the scene by air. In his after action review, Maj.-Gen. Erhard Drews, the commander of KFOR stressed that he was satisfied with the conduct of the exercise.

 Photo: KFOR-6 HUN CON
