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Full Operational Capability in Kabul

Szöveg: Lt. Anita Vári |  2017. június 19. 9:23

The HDF Air Advisory Team has recently reported the reaching of full operational capability. The helicopter pilots, flight engineers and ground crew members arrived at their Afghanistan base in mid-May. The operational mission of the Resolute Support Mission Air Advisory Team (RSM AAT) is to train, advise and assist the Afghan helicopter crews.


The contingent is composed of the airmen of the HDF 86th Szolnok Helicopter Base. In the days after their arrival, they were introduced to the air and ground operating procedures of the Kabul base, and gained knowledge related to the advising tasks. The personnel of the seventh rotation of the RSM AAT briefed the commander of the incoming contingent about the instructional guidelines and the advisory activities, which are directed by the Czech partners. After the academic training, the Hungarian aircrews conducted a simulator-aided training flight, and then a real-world flight in the Kabul control zone.


The Hungarian ground crew members carried out the pre-flight checks of the helicopter and familiarized themselves with the local features of their job. Among other things, it is highly important for them to conduct a pre-flight inspection of the onboard systems of the helicopters and the devices ensuring self-defence capability. Following the more than 90-minute proficiency flight, the Czech partners declared the personnel of the contingent to have reached full operational capability.