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Excellent EOD Technicians at the Military Port

Szöveg: First Lieutenant Dr. Zita Markovics |  2018. május 6. 11:56

In the framework of the meeting of the 16th Steering Committee of NATO Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre of Excellence (NATO EOD CoE), the Committee members visited the HDF 1st EOD Warship Regiment.

Under the cooperation, the Steering Committee has two meetings every year based on the Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian and Slovakian defence agreement. One of the two meetings always takes place in Slovakia, while the other in one of the Member States. This year Budapest was chosen as the host of the event.



After welcoming the guests at the HDF Military Port, Lieutenant Colonel Zsolt Szilágyi, the Commander of the Regiment gave a presentation about the unit. In what follows, the professional deputies, at first EOD Deputy Commander Lieutenant Colonel Tibor Major, and then Acting Warship Deputy Commander Major Szilárd Bagi, gave a short briefing about his special field.


 The host of the three-day event was Senior Officer Major Zsolt Oláh, engineer proponent of the Armament Department of the HDF General Staff Operations Directorate, and the delegation was led by the Director of the Centre of Excellence (CoE), Colonel Robert Császár.


 During the program at the port, the participants saw the pieces of the special EOD equipment, and could have an insight into the training of the explosive detections dogs (EDD) and their handlers, and last but not least they could admire the main attractions of Budapest on board of a minesweeper.


Photo by Gabriella: Katona