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Hungarian Fuel Supply Officers in Sessvollmoen

Szöveg: Captain István Háda |  2018. szeptember 11. 20:06

NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT) organises the exercise Trident Juncture 2018 this year in order to forge unity among the soldiers offered into the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force – VJTF, and to demonstrate the capabilities of the Alliance in face of the challenges of the present and the future. In the high visibility exercise about 40 thousand troops participate, including also the members of the Hungarian Defence Forces.

The Exercise Trident Juncture 2018 is held this year in Norway between September and November, 2018, in which about 40 thousand NATO-soldiers, many thousands of combat vehicles, and several fighter aircraft and warships participate.

In the high visibility NATO exercise the fifteen Hungarian soldiers taking part in the German-Hungarian Logistics Cooperation are tasked with the construction and operation of a Bulk Fuel Installation – BFI. The once built BFI will operate as part of the theatre’s fuel supply system. The goal of the Hungarian logistics personnel’s engagement in the exercise Trident Juncture 2018 is the development of multinational logistic support capability and the maintenance of the level of the existing operational capability.

Prior to departure Brigadier General István Baráth, the Commander of the HDF Logistics Centre and Colonel Attila Kolonics, the Commander of the HDF Material Supply Store Base conducted a review. Among others they inspected the material of the soldiers’ special protective clothing, procured partly in the framework of the Zrínyi 2026 National Defence and Armed Forces Development Program. In issuing the Commander’s assignments, Brigadier General István Baráth noted that Hungarian soldiers have not yet participated with such state-of-the-art equipment in an exercise abroad of this magnitude and length of time.

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