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Hungarian Participation in the Exercise Trident Jaguar 2018

Szöveg: HDF Joint Forces Command |  2018. május 17. 7:19

The Trident Jaguar 2018 evaluation exercise of the German Multinational Joint Headquarters Ulm (MN JHQ Ulm) was conducted with Hungarian participation from May 1 to May 15. The last but most important phase of the exercise was hosted by the base of the NATO Joint Warfare Centre in Stavanger, Norway.

The mission of the last phase of the exercise was the final evaluation of the Multinational Joint Headquarters Ulm prior to their standby duty at the NATO Joint Task Force Headquarters. After this, the Command can execute their duties prepared, with full operational capability (FOC) in the NATO’s joint force, operational level command structure in the next one year.

The exercise was the simulation of a European crisis response operation, containing the different varieties of the security challenges of our days. Close to 500 troops participated in the event from the MN JHQ Ulm, and the Joint Logistic Support Group – JLSG, the organisation assigned to it. In addition, more than 200 participants worked in the command of the exercise, representing several NATO and national organisations.

It also shows the significance of the evaluation exercise, that the Headquarters had been preparing for this event for almost two years consciously and continuously. With this in mind, in the last years, they were represented in several training events organised by NATO and/or by its nations, furthermore they organised mission rehearsal trainings for the command staff and the staff supporters delegated by the partner nations.

At present the Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF) are represented by five soldiers at the Headquarters, and Major General Sándor Fucsku is in the Deputy Commander’s post. – on basis of the co-operation forged in the previous period and in the organisation of the HDF Joint Forces Command (HDF JFC), and led by Colonel Zoltán Somogyi (Director of Operations, HDF JFC), altogether 14 staff supporters assisted the activity of the organisation in the Command Advisory Board, and in the fields of reconnaissance, planning joint forces operations, impact assessment, goal management, special operations, force protection, NBC defence, information operations, logistic planning and rescue operations. Also, a Hungarian soldier took part in the work of the command of the exercise.

The exercise provided an excellent opportunity for practicing the planning, synchronising and operations conduct procedures on operational level of a multinational joint forces operations command.

Photos by HDF JFC