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Hungarian Defence Forces Central Military Band Appears in Sweden

Szöveg: Vivien Takács |  2015. augusztus 14. 6:11

This year the musical festival Ystad International Military Tattoo – held with the participation of professional and amateur bands – was a huge success in Sweden. The Central Military Band of the HDF vitéz Szurmay Sándor Budapest Garrison Brigade represented Hungary in Ystad between August 4 and 8.


Col. Zsolt Csizmadia, Chief Conductor, Hungarian Defence Forces told us that in these few days, the military bands had opportunities to show their talent independently during marches held in various towns, and to dazzle the audience after special foot drill displays.

“While in Sweden, we already had very positive feedback", the colonel emphasized, adding that “all military bands said that we, Hungarians were the most professional-sounding band."


The chief conductor of the Hungarian Defence Forces pointed out that at the event the members of the HDF Central Military Band wore the uniform made for them in 2012. “This sight further improved the professional standards that are always met by our band", Col. Zsolt Csizmadia said.

Besides the HDF Central Military Band, the participants appearing at the festival organized every two years included the Polish Air Force Band, the Royal Swedish Navy Cadet Band, the Hellenic Navy Band, the Southern Highlanders Pipes from Scotland and the Dutch Bicycle Showband Crescendo.


Col. Csizmadia told us that the next major international appearance of the Central Military Band will be in Birmingham, England in November. The traditional advent concert will be held in the same month in Hungary.

The domestic audiences, however, will not be without military bands until the end of November because next time they can meet them at a festival to be held in Székesfehérvár on August 18.

Photo: WO Gábor Orth and Maria Nehro