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Hungarian–Slovakian Joint Commission Session in Budapest

Szöveg: MoD Press Office |  2011. november 28. 11:46

The Hungarian–Slovakian Joint Commission dealing with military and other security policy issues held a session in the Ministry of Defence on Tuesday, November 22. Minister of Defence Dr. Csaba Hende received Róbert Ondrejcsák, the State Secretary of the Slovakian Ministry of Defence in his office, and then began the session of the joint commission, which was led on the Hungarian side by Dr. István Simicskó, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Portfolio.

Róbert Ondrejcsák, the State Secretary of the Slovakian Ministry of Defence first paid a courtesy call to Minister of Defence Dr. Csaba Hende, and then the Hungarian–Slovakian Joint Commission’s meeting started. Dr. István Simicskó, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Hungarian Ministry of Defence underlined that Hungary and Slovakia intend to strengthen the co-operation in the field of security policy, one milestone of which had been the exchange of ideas last year in Bratislava. He added that the meeting of today is the resumption of those fruitful and useful negotiations conducted at that time.

The aim of the present session of the Joint Commission in Budapest was to provide the co-chairmen with opportunity to exchange views on defence policy issues and the participation in crisis response operations, and to mutually inform one another about the structural transformation that the two Ministries are undergoing at present. They discussed the legislation issues concerning the defence policy, and last but not least budgetary issues were also touched upon. Both the Hungarian and the Slovakian partners found the co-operation conducted until today very successful, at the same time they emphasized the importance of engaging in further political dialogue.

 Photo: Mária Krasznai-Nehrebeczky