Hungarians Train Somali Troops in Uganda
Szöveg: T. M. | 2012. január 13. 8:49Last November Hungarian soldiers deployed to Uganda to train Somali troops for a six-month period. The present one is the third troop rotation of EUTM Somalia (European Union Training Mission – Somalia), which has been co-organized by the USA, the African Union (AU) and the European Union (EU).
At the training base, Lt. Péter Csatlós, WO Tibor Maczó and SFC Antal István, the members of a joint Hungarian–German team, are tasked with training the Somali troops. The international training team includes Irish, French, Belgian, Swedish, Finnish, Maltese and Italian mentors who are working with Kenyan interpreters, Ugandan soldiers and Somali observers.
The US forces transported the training audience from Somalia to Uganda. After the ID checks and medical screenings, the trainees received their basic military equipment. At the November 21 opening, Lt.-Col. Mariano Alves, the commander of the training camp delivered a speech to welcome the enlisted men, which marked the start of the six-month program. The training program uses a US model focusing on FIBUA practice besides the basic military and tactical skills. One goal of the mission is to let the troops acquire only the most up-to-date knowledge, so the invited trainers coming from Europe, the USA and Africa have a large variety of background experience. They bear a heavy responsibility, as they teach military knowledge and assess the trainee’s leadership skills as well, in order to be able to select from among them some 260 troops who can become NCOs and those 40 ones who may continue their training as officer cadets.
Photos by the author