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International Airlift Conference in Budapest

Szöveg: |  2014. november 20. 9:00

The 19th meeting of the Movement Coordination Centre Europe (MCCE) Air Transport Cell (AT) and the 18th meeting of the Strategic Airlift Coordination Cell (SALCC) took place in Budapest in early November. The HDF Military Movement Center also contributed significantly to the arrangements for the event and its management.


The professional conference was attended by a total of 54 participants led by MCCE Director Col. Reinhard Krell. They represented 18 countries and seven international organizations, including the staff of the international movement planning center of the HDF Military Movement Center.

Lt.-Col. Zsolt Pataki, the Deputy Commandant of the HDF MMC opened the discussions. The participants looked at the current tasks, the projected airlift requirements in Europe and foreign missions, and discussed the planned transportation missions, flight hours and the necessary financial resources.


Photo: HDF MMC