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International Patrol Championship in Slovenia

Szöveg: CWO Miklós Kovács |  2016. október 6. 9:00

With the aim of starting a tradition, the logistic brigade of the Slovenian Army recently organized the international patrol championship “Logistic Super Squad Competition” for the logistic units of armed forces of neighboring countries. The Hungarian Defence Forces were represented by a nine-strong team of the HDF Logistic Centre.


The competition took place in Krajn, the garrison of the logistic brigade, with the participation of Slovenian, Hungarian, Croatian and Austrian army logisticians. The eight teams from four countries carried out the patrol task on a 17-km course with significant height difference, which the several theoretical and practical tasks made even more difficult to negotiate.

Together with the command sergeant major of the unit, Brig.-Gen. István Baráth, Commander, HDF Logistic Centre was also invited to the day of the competition. He inspected the control points along the patrol route in the company of the host commander, Brig.-Gen. Milan Zurman, Maj.-Gen. Andreas Pernsteiner, Commander, Joint Operations Support Command, Austrian Armed Forces and Maj.-Gen. Mladen Fuzul, Commander, Support Command, Croatian Armed Forces.


Besides testing the teams, the competition promoted the sharing of experiences and future cooperation among the logistic chiefs and senior NCOs of the region.

On the second day of the commanders’ visit, the delegations observed Immediate Response 2016, this year’s largest international exercise held in Slovenia, on which the troops of participating nations practiced certain elements of handling the migration crisis.


Photos by the author