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Intimate Christmas in Mazar-e Sharif

Szöveg: |  2012. január 1. 9:45

The Hungarian soldiers serving in Mazar-e Sharif gathered for the Christmas party in a warm homely atmosphere on Saturday, December 24. With the lead of Col. Tamás Fürst, the Commander of the fourth rotation of the HDF National Support Element (HUN NSE), a festive dinner was prepared, and everybody was delighted with the Christmas food tasting like home.

The Christmas program began on December 24 with the joint commemoration at the Heroes’ Wall. After consuming the festive dinner, Brig. Gen László Szabó, the National Senior Representative, NSR expressed his thanks to WOs Andrea Boros and Szabolcs Németh for cooking the Christmas dishes.

Following the program, spent in a warm and joyful atmosphere, the Holy Night was closed with Midnight mass. On December 25 the members of the personnel participated in a “Christmas football match".

Even if the Hungarian soldiers were away from their homes and families, they celebrated Christmas in an intimate way.