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KFOR Helicopters to Extinguish a Fire in Prizren Area

Szöveg: |  2015. szeptember 2. 9:00

On 30th August. KFOR Commander, Major General Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta, authorized five KFOR helicopters, from United States an Swiss Contingent, to fly, again this morning, to the area of Sredska, around six kilometres south-east of Prizren, to help the local fire brigade to extinguish a fire that is going on since yesterday in a forest on Oshijak mountain.
Four KFOR helicopters intervened already yesterday afternoon in the area, operating in close collaboration with local fire fighters, for three hours until dusk. The Helicopters are equipped with a special apparatus to collect water and leave it directly on the fire. KFOR help was requested by the local fire brigade to extinguish the fire in an impervious area impossible to reach with other means.

