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Live Exercise in the Spirit of NATO CREVAL

Szöveg: |  2010. szeptember 21. 11:27

On September 16 the 1st infantry battalion of the HDF 5th Bocskai István Infantry Brigade, Debrecen arranged the VIP day of a live exercise (LIVEX) where Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende was also in attendance during his visit to Veszprém.

Maj. Zsolt Vantal, Commanding Officer, 1st infantry battalion reported to the Defence Minister at the observation post of Kõröshegy and briefed him about the tactical scenario of exercise “Fearless Warrior 2010" which was being conducted by the 1st rifle company of the battalion. This subunit is an element of the HDF Battalion Infantry Battle Group which is declared to NATO. These days the personnel of the rifle company mounted a LIVEX coupled with a live fire exercise (LFX) as a key phase in their training for the NATO CREVAL procedure.

Under the tactical scenario, hostile forces launched an attack, seeking to enforce their “territorial claims" by military means. Being heavily outnumbered by the enemy in terms of manpower and combat assets, the BLUEFOR troops were conducting a delaying operation until the arrival of the main force. To execute this task, the battle group also requested close air support (CAS) which was carried out by helicopters.

Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende was attentively following each phase of the exercise. In the second part of the program the guests were introduced to the weapons and military equipment in service with the Hungarian Defence Forces.






Text: Ferenc Demeter
Photo: László Tóth
