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Measures following NATO Ministers’ decision to suspend all practical cooperation with Russia

Szöveg: |  2014. április 8. 9:00

NATO Foreign Ministers decided on April 1 to suspend all practical cooperation with Russia, civilian and military, as a direct consequence of Russia’s illegal military intervention in Ukraine and of Russia’s violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, which NATO strongly condemns. Ministers also decided that political dialogue in the NATO-Russia Council can continue, as necessary, at the Ambassadorial level and above, mainly to discuss the crisis in Ukraine. Political consultations in the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council at the Ambassadorial level can also continue as appropriate.
As a consequence, the formerly extensive access to NATO Headquarters will be denied to all representatives of the Russian Mission, except the Russian Ambassador, his Deputy Head of Mission, and two support staff. Should any other staff from the Russian Mission require access for official business, standard visitor rules will apply. That means that the staff member will have to be announced, registered and escorted during their visits. This still gives Russian diplomats a level of access to NATO Headquarters that was never granted by any Russian ministry or institution to NATO staff working in Moscow.

The decision will be in force as of Tuesday, April 8. The decision will be subject to a condition-based review by NATO Foreign Ministers in June.