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Medal Parade at the EUFOR HQ in Camp Butmir, Sarajevo

Szöveg: |  2017. december 4. 10:29

On 28 November 2017 EUFOR Chief of Staff, Brigadier General József Szpisják, presided over a medal parade at the EUFOR Headquarters in Camp Butmir, Sarajevo. He presented the European Union Common Security and Defence Policy Medal “Althea” to 35 service personnel from 8 different nations and thanked them for their dedicated service in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Chief of Staff EUFOR emphasized that EUFOR remains firmly focused on supporting the BiH authorities in maintaining a Safe and Secure Environment. He went on to say that EUFOR is exceptionally fortunate to have the support of the countries of those on parade and expressed how each of the personnel on parade represented the practical and positive affirmation of support from their government and Armed Forces to EUFOR, and to the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


After receiving the Althea medal Major Victor Samaniego from the Spanish Army, EUFOR’s Capacity Building and Training Staff Officer, said: “I am very proud to receive my medal due to the valuable role EUFOR plays in maintaining a safe and secure environment for the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina".


EUFOR Operation Althea is currently made up of service personnel from 14 EU member states and 5 partner nations. The countries represented at this medal parade were Austria (6), Chile (3), Czech Republic (2), Italy (2), Poland (5), Spain (1), The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (3) and Turkey (13).

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