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Medal Parade in the Shade of the Salamis Ruins

Szöveg: P. L. |  2012. július 6. 9:00

Sector Four of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) held a medal parade on June 18 by the Salamis Ruins, which are rich in ancient archeological finds.

The soldiers of Sector Four who had been unable to attend the earlier central ceremony due to their duties were presented with “peacekeeping medals" at the event.

Those peacekeepers who have served more than six months in Cyprus received the “Silver Number" decorations at the medal parade. The setting sun lit the ruins dating from the 11th century BC in the background, which created a special atmosphere and provided a deserved venue for this significant event.

Lisa M. Buttenheim, the Head of the UNFICYP and Lt.-Col. Josef Panko, the commander of Sector Four greeted the peacekeepers who had lined up for the ceremony on the stage area of the semicircular tiered amphitheatre.

Dr. Balázs Botos, Hungary’s ambassador to Cyprus and Lt.-Col. Péter Lukács, the commander of the contingent presented the “Silver Number" badges to the Hungarian soldiers.