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NATO’s Deputy Commander Allied Joint Force Command, Naples visits Headquarters European Union Force at Camp Butmir

Szöveg: / |  2016. január 23. 7:23

On 19 January 2016, Deputy Commander Allied Joint Force Command (DCOM JFC) Naples, Lieutenant General Alain J. Parent visited the Headquarters European Union Force (HQ EUFOR), Camp Butmir and was met by the Chief of Staff (COS) EUFOR, Brigadier General Zoltán Mihócza.

On arrival Lieutenant General Parent proceeded to an office call with COS EUFOR. During this call, as DCOM JFC, Lieutenant General Parent was updated on the EUFOR Mission. This was followed by a formal lunch with NATO Headquarters Sarajevo.

The mission of COM JFC Naples is to prepare for, plan and conduct military operations. Lieutenant General Parent assumed the function of DCOM JFC, Naples on 24 July 2015.