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NATO SHAPE Senior Enlisted Leader Visits Hungary

Szöveg: |  2012. június 25. 13:00

Chief Master Sergeant Richard Todd Small, the senior enlisted leader of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) paid a four-day visit to Hungary at the invitation of the command sergeant major of the Hungarian Defence Forces.

Lt.-Gen. Dr. Zoltán Orosz, the Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff received the senior enlisted leader of SHAPE on an office call as the first part of the programme of the visit between June 18 and 21.

Visit to the NCO Academy

On June 19, Chief Master Sergeant Richard Todd Small, senior enlisted leader of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) continued his four-day official programme at the HDF NCO Academy (NCOA). CMSgt. Richard Todd arrived at Szentendre NCOA accompanied by CSM István Kriston, Command Sergeant Major of the HDF.

Brig.-Gen. Gábor Horváth, the commander of NCOA welcomed the visitors during the office call. After that he presented the situation of the NCOA, its role and tasks in the national and international training programmes and in the structure of Hungarian NCO training.

In the morning CMSgt. Small took part in different presentations. Firstly, CSM István Kriston gave basic information about the Hungarian Defence Forces and about the situation of NCOs and senior NCOs.

Secondly, CSM László Tóth (JFC) introduced the structure and units of the HDF Joint Force Command. CSMs Sashalmi and Bogya gave presentations on the structure of the Hungarian NCO training and education system. Before the official lunch given by Brig.-Gen. Gábor Horváth, the garrison’s orchestra gave a surprise concert to the guests. The afternoon programme started with a visit to the local NCO Museum.

Later CM Sgt. Small gave a lecture to senior NCOs of the Hungarian Defence Forces. In his lecture the main topics were: NATO’s strategic tasks and the increasing importance of NCOs’ contribution. After his presentation he answered questions from the audience.

Program on the Szolnok Helicopter Base

Chief Master Sergeant Richard Todd Small, senior enlisted leader of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) paid an official visit to the Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF) 86th Szolnok Helicopter Base on June 20, 2012. He was accompanied by CSM István Kriston and CSM László Tóth, command sergeant majors of the HDF and HDF JFC, respectively. The visitors were welcomed by Colonel János Nagy, Deputy Commander of Base Staff.

The event started with the introduction of the base, the HDF 25/88th Airmobile Battalion and the HDF 34th László Bercsényi Special Operations Forces (SOF) Battalion. The guests were introduced to the air assets operating on the base and received a presentation on the equipment used by the latter two units, which was followed by a short free fight exercise and the NFTC simulator training, which introduced a small piece of training processes of the army and the air force.

After a tour of Szolnok Aviation Museum, the honoured guest gave a speech in which he emphasised the importance of international co-operation, and the role of well-trained NCOs within the NATO structure, particularly that of senior enlisted leaders of all levels, CMSgt. István Zsolt Tigyi of the 86th HDF Szolnok Helicopter Base informed us.

Office call at the Chief of Defence

On June 21, Dr. Tibor Benkő, the Chief of the Defence Staff received Chief Master Sergeant Richard T. Small, the senior enlisted leader of SHAPE on an office call.

During the discussions the high-ranking guest shared his first impressions about his visits to the HDF units. Based on what he has seen and his conversations with Hungarian soldiers, he has formed a positive picture of the personnel’s motivation level and the integration of the lessons learned abroad into the Hungarian environment.

Chief Master Sergeant Small stressed the importance of the command sergeant major system, saying that he was pleased to see the well-functioning system in the Hungarian Defence Forces. He also pointed out the integrated task system of the HDF NCO Academy. He said he hoped it would produce several positive results in the future of NCO training.
