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New Chief of Staff at NATO HQ Sarajevo

Szöveg: |  2014. március 7. 9:32

On February 26, Col. József Ferenc Farkas, the commander of the HDF ‘Görgei Artúr’ NBC Area Control Center handed over the responsibilities of chief of staff at NATO HQ Sarajevo to his successor, Col. Csaba Szilágyi, the commander of the HDF Civil-Military Cooperation and Psychological Operations Centre.

The event was attended by Brig.-Gen. Merle D. Hart, Commander, NATO HQ Sarajevo, EUFOR Commander Maj.-Gen. Dieter Heidecker, Brig.-Gen. Péter András Szűcs, the newly appointed EUFOR Chief of Staff and Brig.-Gen. József Szpisják, the outgoing EUFOR Chief of Staff.


Brig.-Gen. Merle D. Hart praised Col. Farkas’ nine-month service

The transfer of authority ceremony took place in the presence of the soldiers serving at the headquarters and several invited guests. Brig.-Gen. Hart praised Col. Farkas’ nine-month tour of duty, presented him with a certificate of commendation for his successful work and decorated him with the Non-Article-5 NATO Medal.

In his speech, Col. József Ferenc Farkas thanked his former colleagues for the help and support he had received from them during the time in his position, and wished his successor, Col. Szilágyi every success, determination and soldier’s luck.


The outgoing chief of staff received a certificate of commendation

Speaking at the event, Csaba Szilágyi thanked the outgoing chief of staff and his staff for the help given during the handover-takeover process, saying that he hoped that the personnel serving at the headquarters would continue to support his work the same way they did in the case of his outgoing predecessor.

Currently four Hungarian soldiers – three senior officers and an NCO – are serving at the NATO HQ Sarajevo.

Photo: NATO HQ Sarajevo