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New Police Building Serves Security and Stability

Szöveg: |  2012. február 24. 14:15

Col. Dr. Romulusz Ruszin attaches special importance to providing assistance for the Afghan security organizations. The commander of the 11th rotation of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team (HUN PRT-11) handed over the first central police building in Dahan-e Ghori district, Baghlan Province. At the inauguration ceremony, he asked the policemen present to carry on with protecting security and stability.

The 12th rotation of the HDF Provincial Reconstruction Team arrived a few days ago in Camp Pannonia, where the handover-takeover process started immediately. In addition to exchanging experience and information, the personnel of the new rotation are to meet the local governmental and religious leaders. It is important to let the locals know that although the members of the Hungarian contingent are rotating, cooperation and support are both continuous.

A nice example of this was the handover of a two-storey central building of the Afghan National Police on February 20. The building provides adequate working conditions for the policemen on duty, and cultured rest for those on patrol. The importance of the event is shown by the fact that in addition to the commanders of the HUN PRT-11 and PRT-12 rotations, the governor of the district, the provincial deputy chief of police (who arrived from Pol-e Khumri, the capital of Baghlan Province to attend the event) and the religious leaders of the district were also present at the ceremony.

Col. Said Zamanudin, the deputy chief of police of the province stressed that “One and a half years ago, security was lax in this district, the main road was closed down and the only means to provide rare resupplies for the policemen working here was by helicopter. This building goes a long way towards enabling our policemen to execute their tasks easier and guarantee the security of local people."

Col. Dr. Romulusz Ruszin, the commander of the HUN PRT-11 contingent reasserted that the local people have facilitated the improvement of the security situation, so this investment may be credited to the locals too. As a soldier, he considers it highly important to provide assistance for the security organizations. For this reason, he asked the policemen attending the ceremony to carry on with protecting security and stability, as they have done so far.

