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New Projects May Be Launched in the Central European Defence Cooperation Initiative

Szöveg: / MTI |  2013. június 5. 17:04

On Saturday, June 1 the Defence Ministers of the Central European Defence Cooperation Initiative met in Croatia to discuss the launch of several new capability development projects, Minister of Defence Csaba Hende told Hungarian News Agency MTI on the phone in an interview.

Formed in 2010 upon a Hungarian and Austrian initiative, the Central European Defence Cooperation Initiative involves Austria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia, a well as Poland in observer status. The main areas of cooperation include collaboration in capability development and operations, harmonizing standpoints in issues of defence policy, and joint action on international forums like NATO and the European Union. In this form of cooperation, many successful projects have already been implemented, for example in the field of combined training, the Minister stressed.


Csaba Hende said that at the second informal defence ministerial meeting of the Central European Defence Initiative held in Mali Losinj, Croatia, the Ministers discussed future capability development projects such as regional air policing activity. Minister Hende pointed out that a good example of this is the Hungarian–Slovenian agreement to be signed on air policing, under which Hungarian Gripen fighters will conduct air policing in Slovenian airspace. Another key area is the planned combined training of Special Forces units.

The Ministers also agreed that they need to take joint action in the field of defence industry to protect the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of the region and facilitate their access to the defence market. Furthermore, the Defence Ministers discussed the role in Afghanistan until the end of 2014 as well as the activity in the Balkans region, with the issues of Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina topping the agenda.

Minister Hende also told MTI that Hungary had undertook the task to organize the next meeting of Defence Ministers, so next year the representatives of the Central European Defence Cooperation Initiative would hold their discussions in Hungary.

