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New Senior National Representative in Afghanistan

Szöveg: NSE-11 |  2015. szeptember 12. 12:11

As of September 1, Col. Tibor Talabos is the Hungarian senior national representative in Afghanistan. During the last six months, from March 1 on, Col. Gábor Lőrincz, Head of Operations Department, Defence Stafff Operations Directorate carried out the duties of the senior national representative in Afghanistan.

In assessing the last six months at a handover-takeover ceremony, Col. Lőrincz said that “after the framework nation Germany, the Hungarian Defence Forces have been the second most significant contributor to the Train Advise Assist Command – North (TAAC-N). Our troop rotation arrived in a critical period, as the ISAF had finished its operations shortly before and we had to continue executing our tasks under the mandate of the Resolute Support Mission. We had to establish a system of tasks and adapt it to the changing circumstances of the planning and conduct of operations, and to revise the Standing Operating Procedures (SOPs). With a limited scope of legal and logistic support, we have created a new element, the order of conducting so-called on-site advising and the conditions for its functioning."


“In addition, the directorate under my command worked out a campaign plan for the ANA 209th Corps in the 2015 combat season. In cooperation with Hungarian advisory teams, we have established cooperation between the organizational elements of the Afghan army and the police, and coordinated the related tasks at monthly training conferences", Col. Lőrincz added.

Col. Tibor Talabos, the new senior national representative from the HDF Training and Doctrine Centre Staff Department arrived in the area of operations on May 17. After the ceremony, he said that during the next months “the work in progress has to be continued and the good reputation earned by the previous rotations has to be preserved". The Hungarian troops continue to fill important positions in the staff and advisory teams of the TAAC-N."


“Regardless of ranks, I expect all personnel of the TAAC-N to execute all tasks with maximum discipline and mutual respect for each other. I count on everybody’s work. We could not be efficient without each other, as we are working in interdependent positions. Accordingly, our motto for the rest of the year is “One mission, one team!" – Col. Talabos added.

Photo: NSE-11