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Preparing for NATO Service in Szolnok

Szöveg: |  2017. április 21. 9:00

The Szolnok-based HDF Peace Support Training Centre recently held a peace operations training course for soldiers planned for permanent assignments abroad.


The officers and NCOs planned to fill positions abroad on the basis of NATO-, EU- and international agreements attended a one-week pre-deployment training course to learn the basics of peacekeeping and brush up on their skills.


The 30 or so soldiers participating in the course were given lectures on NATO’s history, its set of tasks and organizational structure, most important institutions, military strategy, theatres of war and the current challenges. During the classroom training and field practice, the participants acquired knowledge about the international law of armed conflict (LOAC), as well as medical skills, negotiation and media handling techniques, and also practiced map-reading and the use of GPS.


The training included a firefighting practice and a number of live fire exercises, where the officers and NCOs used pistols and assault rifles.


Photo: HDF Peace Support Training Centre