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Presence Patrolling Goes On

Szöveg: Capt. Gergő Tamás |  2012. június 27. 16:06

Over the recent days the sixth rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent has continued to mount presence patrols in the northern region of Kosovo. The Serbian elections passed off without incidents in Kosovo, but due to the increasing tension between the Albans and the Serbs, the residents of Mitrovica and its environs were happy to receive the Hungarian and Portuguese peacekeepers again, as they have already gained positive experience about their activities.

The Hungarian and Portuguese soldiers of the KFOR Tactical Reserve Maneuver Battalion (KTM) set up observation posts in recent days at designated sites and maintained a safe and secure environment (SASE) by mounting vehicle patrols.

The peacekeepers of the two nations are currently manning the continuous patrols in rotation.


 Photos by the author
