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Renovated Road Opens to Traffic

Szöveg: Capt. Piroska Kozák |  2017. július 29. 12:40

Based on a survey conducted by the soldiers of the HDF 37th Ferenc Rákóczi II Engineer Regiment (Szentes), the members of the Austrian engineer contingent serving along the southern border of Hungary renovated a road at Katymár, Bács-Kiskun County, near the border.


The soldiers performed the repair works after receiving notifications from the local community, at the mayor’s request. The maintenance was necessary because these days, during their mounted patrols, the soldiers on duty in the vicinity of the village drive their vehicles much more often on the roads of the community than before.

The opening event of the renovated road was attended by Endre Pál, Mayor of Katymár; the engineer officer of the Austrian contingent and representatives of the HDF Task Force Alföld.


Photos by the author