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Rotation Completed

Szöveg: Maj. Krisztián Kovács |  2015. október 15. 9:00

The dry facts can be stated in a single sentence: the third rotation of the Air Advisory Team deployed with Resolute Support Mission (RSM) has taken over its responsibilities in the Afghanistan area of operations.

The background to the above sentence is much more colorful, as it is the story and work of four years that is now continuing in the Afghan capital. In August 2011, a small team of Hungarians at Shindand Air Base – transport helicopter pilots, flight engineers and ground crew members – started training and mentoring the transport helicopter/ground crews of the Afghan National Army Air Corps (ANAAC). Starting with them, throughout the nine rotations of the contingent, virtually all helicopter pilot/flight engineer instructors of the HDF 86th Szolnok Helicopter Base “RUBIK" Transport Helicopter Battalion and the ground crews of the aviation unit maintenance (AVUM) battalion have contributed to the establishment of an independent Afghan Air Force.


After hundreds of flight hours and sharing and learning lessons, since January 2015 the mission has been operating in Kabul, and the present one is already the third rotation in the capital, where the Afghan colleagues are already greet the Hungarian servicemen as acquaintances. To the present day, they proudly wear the badges they received from the Hungarians as reminders of the effective joint work. Several of the trainees who started their aviation career in Shindand under the Hungarian instructors’ guidance are today helicopter command pilots who fly operational sorties and apply the acquired methods and procedures.

At the same time, the work going on since January is also reflected in the not so peaceful everyday life of Afghan rotary-wing aviation. During the free rocket live fire exercises, the Hungarian transport helicopter pilots mentor the Afghan aircrews that are already on quick reaction alert and fly live combat sorties using the newly acquired skills. The Hungarians are partnering American and Czech mentors in this joint work. Apart from gunnery instruction, the Hungarian experts provide the novice and restarting pilots with simulator training and conduct test flights with Mi–17 V5 helicopters after overhauls.

The members of the third rotation are continuing the work started by their countless predecessors, executing their tasks in the spirit of the “86s".