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Senior Enlisted Leader Visits HDF NCO Academy

Szöveg: 1st Lt. Dóra Duruczné Téglás |  2014. május 7. 9:00

On the third day of his four-day stay in Hungary, Chief Master Sergeant Craig A. Adams, the Senior Enlisted Leader of the United States European Command (USEUCOM) paid a visit to the HDF NCO Academy in Szentendre. CMSgt. Adams arrived in the Görgey barracks in the company of Chief Warrant Officer István Kriston, the Command Sergeant Major of the Hungarian Defence Forces and Chief Warrant Officer Tibor Négyesi, the Command Sergeant Major of the HDF Joint Force Command.


CMSgt. Craig A. Adams and Brig.-Gen. Tibor Bozó at the HDF NCO Academy

After an informal discussion with Brig.-Gen. Tibor Bozó, the commandant of the NCO Academy, the US Senior Enlisted Leader attended presentations about the organization, tasks and functions of the Hungarian Defence Forces, the Defence Staff and the HDF Joint Force Command.

Senior Warrant Officer Lajos Soós, the Command Sergeant Major of the HDF NCO Academy held a presentation about the vocational training of NCOs in a school-type system and the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) program as well as its role and significance in the Hungarian Defence Forces.


CMSgt. Adams presented the tasks of the USEUCOM

Following the Hungarian presentations, CMSgt. Adams had opportunity to hold his presentation in the presence of command sergeant majors serving with the units and the battalions of the Hungarian Defence Forces. In this, he introduced the tasks of the USEUCOM and stressed the importance of NCO vocational training and follow-on courses.

While at the NCO Academy, CMSgt. Adams visited the museum of NCO vocational training, and then watched a CQB display held by the military PT and CQB doctrine section of the “János Mecséri" Training Department of the institution.


CWO István Kriston, the Command Sergeant Major of the Hungarian Defence Forces

Photos by the author