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Successful cooperation of three nations

Szöveg: László Szűcs |  2010. július 9. 8:10

International crisis management exercise Tisza 2010 was held between June 27July 1 in Szentes. The engineer troops of the Hungarian, Romanian and Serb military were practicing rescue and protecion tasks in a fictitious disaster caused by flood waves on the Körös and Tisza rivers.

Heavy rainfall in the catchment area of the Körös rivers starts a flood wave, causing a disaster not only in Romania but in Hungary as well. The flooded Körös is raising the level of the Tisza, which causes heavy floods in Serbia. The exceptional circumstances call for the deployment of the military in all the three countries and the soldiers of the three nations  in compliance with the political decision  are helping each other.

This short and imaginary situation was the basis of Tisza 2010, the HungarianRomanianSerbian military/crisis management exercise conducted between June 27July 1 in Szentes at the barracks and river training site of the HDF 37th ’Ferenc Rákóczi II’ Engineering Regiment. The organisers invited representatives of the three militaries to the distinguished visitors’ day held on July 1.

Joint practice  for the fourth time

The VIP day began with the commander’s report. Col. (eng.) József Nyers, the commander of the Szentes regiment briefed guests, the top generals of the Hungarian, Romanian and Serbian military, on the corps’ role and duties and their participation in disaster management activities. The commander also mentioned that in most of the cases, troops from Szentes also participate in flood protection tasks concerning the Hungarian Defence Forces. The last time, only a month ago, 217 soldiers from the regiment and 28 technical equipments of the HDF were helping in flood protection activities in Northern Hungary.

Col. Nyers said the antecedents of exercise Tisza 2010 date back to 2006, when Serbian and Hungarian engineer corps conducted their first joint practice to prepare for disaster management tasks. Exercise Brave Step 2006 coincided with one of the greatest flood waves on the Tisza and its tributaries, which happened only three weeks before, therefore the experiences gained in flood protection could be integrated into practice.

We were told that in 2007, joint practice continued in Serbia. In exercise Big River 2007, flood protection tasks started in 2006 were further elaborated by the joint unit, and they were also practicing what to do if there is a flood wave heading for Serbia. In 2008, the exercise was hosted by Hungary again, or more precisely, Szentes and Hódmezõvásárhely. This exercise was aimed at improving the flow of information and participating troops were assisted by MARCUS, a simulation system in the Hódmezõvásárhely barracks.

In 2009, engineer corps of the Romanian army joined the crisis management exercise which used to be a cooperation of two nations  said Col. József Nyers. In an exercise held in Novi Sad (Újvidék), Serbia, Serbian, Romanian and Hungarian engineer troops were planning together the tasks in emergencies casued by flood and recovery after disasters caused by flood.

Speaking about exercise Tisza 2010 Col. Nyers underlined: the most important task this year was to plan, organise and lead joint RomanianHungarianSerbian crisis management work, with the involvement of the personnel of the battalion, company commanders and units, in the most realistic environment they could create. The Hungarian Defence Forces participated in the exercise with more than 200 soldiers  the personnel of the engineer regiment , Serbians contributed 14 staff officers and a 10-strong engineer squad, and Romanians arrived to Szentes with 6 staff officers  added the commander of the regiment.

The work of the personnel, demonstrations

The visitors’ program continued with the demonstration of the work of the battalion and the company. The guests were briefed on the key tasks by Maj. Dezsõ Kürti, Chief of Staff, International Crisis Management Unit. He said the scenario for the exercise was not fictitious, it really happened during the 2006 floods when participating military units and the specialists of the water authority also had to work very hard.

After the briefing the guests attended a so-called static technical demonstration, where they could learn more about the technical equipments used by the engineer regiment, for example the ANDROWPU high-capacity water purification unit and the accompanying water packaging device, the PTSZM track-laying amphibious vehicle that can be used in flood prevention, various types of boats, crossing equipment and bridge ferries. In addition to these, Hungarian troops also presented a specialty, the sandbag-filling equipment.


The visitors’ day of exercise Tisza 2010 continued at the regiment’s water training site where guests were shown a dike reinforcement demonstration first. Zsuzsanna Priváczkiné Hajdu, the duty manager of the Lower Tisza Environmental Protection and Water Directorate said in her presentation: "…here you can see how various protective structures used in flood prevention are built. First the so-called three-line ribbed support, the role of which is to prevent the slipping of the outer side of the bank." Here guests were also shown the basin that counterbalances pressure, used for stopping outbursts of water. On the other side of the dam, facing the water, military divers from Szentes demonstrated how to prevent saturation with the help of foil.

The last event of the day was a dynamic display. The joint SerbianHungarian unit responsible for implementation demonstrated the tasks and events processed in the course of the command post exercise in a ‘real environment’. The first maneouvre the guests could see was the rescue of a man who fell into the water, which was followed by the ‘parade’ of technical equipment used in flood prevention on the river Tisza, which was really flooded this time. The ‘blond river’ is still so high that it has overflown and covered the floodplains in 1.52 m of water. The guests had to be taken to the regiment’s water training site by track-laying PTSZ vehicles.

Mutual assistance is important

Following the display, Maj.Gen. Zoltán Orosz, Deputy Chief of Defence Staff told as regards military cooperation and crisis management preparation, exercise Tisza 2010 was very important. It is true even if the three militaries use nearly the same technical equipment.

 This area is highly prone to flood, therefore it is very important that the armies of neighbouring countries can provide mutual assistance if needed and if they are requested  said Maj.Gen. Orosz, who added: the flooded Tisza made the exercise more realistic. Although it was not a coincidence that they had chosen this region for the international exercise, since in the 2006 flood it was due to the hard work of soldiers, among others, that very serious disasters could be prevented in the Köröszug.

If there is a real trouble, there is no time to prepare, practice and learn about the work of each other. Rescue becomes the most important. Naturally, every nation try to resolve the problems on their own, but  as we could see in recent years  disasters are becoming more and more serious, therefore it may happen that in the future national forces alone will not be able to manage crises. Fortunately, as a result of exercises similar to the present one, we can prepare for this situation, in other words, we have partners who we can consult and ask to help us if needed  said the major general.

Brig.Gen. Mihai Ciungu, Chief of Land Forces training and doctrine, Romanian Armed Forces, underlined: Tisza 2010 was a very good and useful exercise, for Hungarian, Romanian and Serbian troops had an opportunity to practice joint work on battalion and company level as well. He added: in recent days Romanian soldiers also had a chance to learn about procedures and familiarise themselves with technical equipment used by Hungarians in flood prevention. Having said that, the Romanian military would use similar equipments and methods if it had to. The brigadier general also told the invitees that the cooperation of the three nations continues in the future, in a year, Romania will host the joint crisis management exercise.

In response to our question, Lt.Gen. Mladen Cirkovic, Deputy Chief of Defence Staff, Serbian Armed Forces, told us that the exercise was very important because the engineer troops of the three militaries demonstrated how they can work together. The fact that the scenario was based on a real situation greatly contributed to this. In the opinion of the lieutenant general, in the course of the exercise the soldiers of the three nations used a common language and clearly understood each other, they were able to work together professionally, and demonstrated a special form of regional cooperation.

The all-day event and exercise Tisza 2010 ended on July 1, 2010 with a closing ceremony in the afternoon, where following the anthems of participating nations, Maj.Gen. Zoltán Orosz addressed the troops. He underlined that the consequences of extreme weather in recent months call attention to the necessity of broadening the framework of prevention and tightening cooperation among nations, for disaster prevention and recovery is the task and obligation of the military in all three countries.


The objective of the exercise was to achieve that the multinational battalion, upon political request, is capable of setting up and operating the command post of the unit, controlling evacuation, performing rescue and transport tasks, and maintaining major transport routes. In scope of that the exercise focused on the planning, organisation and management of the joint crisis management activity. Based on commanders’ reports and my experience I can confirm that the personnel in charge of implementation have achieved the targets, the exercise has been completed with success  said the deputy chief of defence staff.

Lt.Gen. Cirkovic underlined in his closing address: he was convinced that the cooperation of the three nations was very successful. Brig.Gen. Ciungu emphasised: it is of key importance for all thee countries that soldiers can prepare together for a possible disaster.
