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The Command of the Company is in Firm Hands

Szöveg: HDF KAIA FP CON |  2012. november 14. 14:00

Like at home, organizing, commanding and directing the everyday activity of a company is one of the most important tasks in the area of operations as well. Reporting from the spot.

The above is also true of the Kabul International Airport Force Protection Contingent (KAIA FP CON). Capt. B., the officer commanding (OC) is in charge of planning, organizing and directing the life of the company. His deputy is a great help to him, as they share all these tasks and jointly draw up the duty roster. The command sergeant major (CSM) of the company also participates in the organization and conduct of training and the skills maintenance sessions.

The tasks of personnel management make up a large part of the staff work. These are conducted by a senior personnel officer who is responsible not only for the company but also for the entire contingent. Be it soldiers in individual positions or subordinates, personnel or personal problems, the major – whose door is always open – is ready to resolve the seemingly insoluble issues. She can rely on the professional knowledge of her colleague.


They are a close-knit pair, as they worked together a lot in Tata some years ago. A single person is in charge of the personnel management for the company and the whole contingent. Like at home, here in the camp he is thoroughly familiar with the administration manuals and is knowledgeable about the formal details of the documentation. His help comes often comes in handy in compiling various operational reports. These reports are compiled by the senior operations officer, who forwards them through the proper channels. Besides, he assists the work of the company commander with professional advice.

Motor transport (MT) is essential to any company. The company technician is in charge of ensuring the operability of the (combat) vehicles. He had acquired a lot of knowledge and professional skills in Tata, where he served in a similar position for years. The support NCO of the company has a similar track record. He has already proven his skills in the period of training, when he provided the supply of food, clothes and training technology for the company.

Commanding a company is a great challenge, but knowing the officer commanding and the staff, we have no doubts that five months later we will be able to say: we have closed a successful mission.