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“The courage of the heroes of the revolution has led to the reunification of Europe“

Szöveg: Renáta Révész |  2009. október 27. 6:26

“Every nation, every people hold the celebrations they are proud of and distinguish from ordinary weekdays. Even the mentioning of these days evokes emotions: pride, joy, or grief” – Imre Szekeres greeted the attendees of the cental event of the Ministry of Defence with these words.

The revolution broke out 53 years ago, on the 23rd of October in 1956, but this day was not a red-letter day in the calendar for several decades. However, in the past 20 years, since the change of the political system, it has been a double celebration: it is also the celebration of the Republic of Hungary, for it happened on this day in 1989, that the third Republic of Hungary was proclaimed.

On the occasion of October 23, celebrations and commemorations were held all over the country in recent days. The Ministry of Defence held a central event in Stefánia Palace, where decorations and rewards were also handed over.

In his address, Defence Minister Imre Szekeres pointed out that the courage of the heroes of the revolution has led to the foundation of the new democracies and the reunification of Europe. Europe has become unified, and Hungary has found a home in the region of freedom and solidarity: the European Union.


– October 23, 1956, was a revolution in the truest sense of the word. The revolution of acts and thoughts. This is what the famous lines of Albert Camus recall: "The crushed, shackled Hungary has done more for freedom and justice than any people in the world in the last 20 years. In order that the western society that plugged its ears and covered its eyes could understand this, a lot of Hungarian blood had to be shed. In an Europe that has been left alone the only way we can remain loyal to Hungary is if we never and nowhere betray what the Hungarian warriors had given their life for, and we never and nowhere justify the murderers. It is difficult for us to be worthy of so much sacrifice" – said Imre Szekeres, who, on the occasion of the anniversary, spoke highly of the self-giving work of the soldiers, civil and public servants carrying out national defence duties today, many of whom received certificates of merit and rewards.

At the central celebration of the Ministry of Defence Brigadier General Csaba Újfalusi was awarded the Knight Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary. Further attendees were awarded various classes of the Service Sign for Merit and the Title of Merit ‘For Defence‘, and material rewards, as well as the Title of Merit ‘Golden Age’ were also handed over.