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The HUN PRT CIMIC Team Donates Medical Equipment

Szöveg: Capt. Roland Kálinger |  2011. december 8. 15:31

In the framework of the health care support program the CIMIC Team of the PRT’s 11th rotation (HUN PRT-11) delivered relief supplies to the coalminers’ central hospital in the town of Pol-e Khomri.

The donation’s procurement, delivery, the protection of these, and the distribution of the gifts present a complex task, in which several sections of the PRT were actively involved. The result of the synchronized work was reflected in the joyful smiles and the contented look in the eyes. The instruments transported to the hospital by an armoured truck included medical equipment, which are destined to serve the profession of the local doctors and the recovery of the patients. The presents unloaded from the truck soon filled one of the waiting corridors or the hospital. Thanks to the gifts hospital-beds, air conditioners, waiting-room benches, warm blankets and pillows make the hospital stay of the patients more comfortable. The work of the doctors will be assisted by vaccine cooler boxes, sphygmomanometers, stethoscopes and a neonatal scale. Moreover new writing desks, wardrobes, instrument cases were put in the surgeries.

The handover ceremony of the presents took place after the tour of the hospital and the discussion of the problems of everyday medical treatment. The ribbon embracing the accumulated presents was cut by the hospital director Dr. Afiz Sherzad on behalf of the beneficiaries, and by Lt. Col. István Megtért, the Deputy Commander of the PRT-11, as the representative of the benefactors. Before signing the donation document the hospital director said thanks for the support of the Hungarians with a warm handshake lasting for several minutes. The CIMIC Team has envisaged the distribution of further donations to the central hospital of the coalminers in the near future, 1st Lt. Csaba Szabó, operations planning officer, deputy section leader, the co-ordinator of the relief action told us.