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The Mutilated Memorial Has Been Inaugurated Again

Szöveg: László Szűcs |  2009. október 7. 6:10

Two years ago some hooligans mutilated the World War II memorial in Jászjákóhalma, taking with them – among others – the plaques bearing the names of the victims and the heroes. With the help of the MoD Institute and Museum of Military History the memorial has been renovated and the new inauguration ceremony was held on 16 September in the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county village. 

An intimate ceremony was held Wednesday afternoon in Jászjákóhalma, at the World War II memorial in front of Béla IV Elementary School, erected in 1990 from public donations. The obelisk was mutilated two years ago by unknown perpetrators, who had also broken and dismantled the metal and marble plates bearing the name of the victims.

The renovation of the memorial began a few months ago with the financial support of the MoD Institute and Museum of Military History. These plaques were replaced first and after they have been put back, the memorial has been inaugurated for the second time.

“We have chosen the date of replacing the plaques on purpose near the 1st of September, the seventieth anniversary of the beginning of the Second World War. Near the date, the historic event that had taken the life of so many in Jászjákóhalma!" – it was said at the event, attended by Minister of Defence Dr. Imre Szekeres and Mr István Járvás, MP.

The ceremony began with the National Anthem, sung by the Folk Song Circle of the village, then a local, Ms Katalin Lukács – student of the Theological College of Eger – recited the poem titled ’Forced March’ by Miklós Radnóti. The event continued with the members of the Folk Song Circle singing military songs, then Mr Pál Lukácsi Jr., the mayor of the village delivered a thank-you speech.


– Who would have thought twenty years ago that the World War II memorial, the obelisk of the heroes and victims of Jászjákóhalma, could fall victim to an unfortunate and shameful event? Well, nearly two years ago some thieves specialized in non-ferrous metals saw plunder in this memorial – the mayor began his speech, adding: the initial shock and anger made the municipality of the village act quickly. Thanks to the defence minister and the employees of the MoD Institute and Museum of Military History, the memorial has been successfully renovated.

– The lesson we have learnt from this incident is that unfortunately, there are people living among us who are not afraid, do not learn, and do not love – added Mr Lukácsi, according to whom fear gives us inhibitions, therefore without fear man becomes shameless. It is our duty to open the eyes of these people, to open their heart, and address their soul, in order that there would be no more disgraceful act like this one in this country ever again – said the mayor.

Minister of Defence Imre Szekeres emphasised in his speech that in every single family here in Jászjákóhalma, in the whole Jászság area, and in the entire country there are one or two names that are recalled whenever the family comes together. They are the victims of the war. Unfortunately, it was the fate of Hungary in the twentieth century that it had to experience two great wars. And in the second one, the country itself had been a front.

– Soldiers died, people were taken as prisoners of war, families were taken to concentration camps, and after 1945, many, even civilians, were transported by force to the former Soviet Union – said the defence minister, also mentioning that in a community like Jászjákóhalma, where people knew each other and their families, knew when the others went to school, when they joined the army and even the name of the corps, where others used to live, perhaps the memories live longer. That is why it was wonderful when two decades ago, these memories were cast in a tangible form by the village, and the memorial of the heroes of the Second World War was inaugurated.

– This is one of the reasons why I am glad that with the help of the Institue and Museum of Military Science, we have managed to renovate this memorial. Not because of the metal thieves, not because these crimes may still happen today, but because it is the question of our own conscience – said Imre Szekeres, adding: he is very happy that the names are back on the memorial, for now the locals can walk up to the obelisk again and remember their relatives who died in the war.

Following the speeches the pastor of the village, András Varga blessed the memorial, then the leader of the Pupils’ Self-Government of Elementary School Béla IV, Evelin Endrédi took a vow in the name of the pupils: as a token of their honour and respect, the schoolchildren will save, protect, and guard the memorial in front of the building.

Defence minister Imre Szekeres, mayor Pál Lukácsi, Lt.Col. Dr. Imre Csáky, the representative of the MoD Institute and Museum of Military Science, the head of the local Gipsy municipality, and the representative of the Honvéd Jász Kaszinó Kulturális Egyesület (Military Jazygian Casino Cultural Association) laid their wreaths on the re-inaugurated WWII memorial.

At the end of the event the pupils of the elementary school and the locals laid their floral tributes onto the WWII memorial of the village, then the ceremony closed with the Szózat (the ‘second national anthem‘), also sung by the local Folk Song Circle.