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They Have Returned from the Balkans

Szöveg: Gábor Kálmánfi |  2012. március 19. 12:15

“To us the Balkans is one of the most important areas of operations where peace is very fragile. Active participation in the stabilization processes is therefore a high priority for us” – Brig.-Gen. Albert Sáfár, the Air Force Chief of the HDF Joint Force Command (HDF JFC) stressed at the “Welcome Home” ceremony held in Székesfehérvár on Friday, March 9 for the personnel who served in individual positions in the Balkans Joint Operational Area (JOA) over the last six months.

Albert Sáfár pointed out that the peacekeepers’ noblest mission is to contribute to the process of creating a life free of war and fear.

According to the brigadier-general, the tendencies for globalization in our age have changed the worldwide security environment to a large extent, which presents Hungary with constant challenges.

The issue of Hungary’s security goes beyond our national borders" – he added.

“Terrorism, the proliferation of WMDs and the technology required to produce them pose a threat to all mankind" – the HDF JFC deputy commander said.

Addressing the just returned personnel, he pointed out that the soldiers have performed their duties by the expected standards, and so contributed to building a positive image of Hungary and themselves.

“My special thanks go to Brig.-Gen. Zoltán Gulyás for his service, which our superiors considered a success in military diplomacy" – Albert Sáfár said, referring to the fact that the general has been the Chief of Staff EUFOR over the last six months.

At the ceremony, the Air Force Chief handed over recognitions to the just returned servicemembers.


 Photos by the author