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They Received the Resupply

Szöveg: / |  2012. március 7. 10:12

As part of the US–Hungarian Joint Combined Exchange Training 2012 (JCET 2012) for special operations forces – in cooperation with an An-26 airlift squadron of the HDF 59th ‘Szentgyörgyi Dezső’ Air Base – the HDF 34th ‘Bercsényi László’ Special Operations Forces Battalion and a US Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) executed a resupply reception exercise at the Szolnok aerodrome on February 22.

The training objective was to enable the soldiers to generate cohesion among the national elements in a multinational environment within special forces group-level tactical training exercises. Additionally, they learnt about each other’s military equipment and combat techniques.

In the meantime, the crew of the An-26 transport aircraft was tasked with airdropping four packages (weighing 100 kgs each) over a designated area.

