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Troop Rotation and Medal Parade in the Sinai Peninsula

Szöveg: Police Capt. Anna Makrai (Public Affairs Officer) |  2013. április 6. 6:07

The rotating personnel of the Hungarian contingent serving with the military and police mission Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) arrived in the North Camp on March 15. The transfer of authority and the medal parade took place on March 25. The special guests of the event were MFO Force Commander Maj.-Gen. Warren J. Whiting, MFO Chief of Staff Col. Robert D. Haycock and Dr. Péter Kveck, Hungary’s ambassador to Egypt.


During the ceremony, the Force Commander awarded Lt.-Col. Attila Selmeczi, Maj. Arnold Klement and Police Capt. Péter Takács; the Chief of Staff awarded 1Lt László Bagi and SSgt. Lóránd Éva; the Command Sergeant Major awarded Police WO1 János Fekete; while the contingent commander awarded Police SFC Balázs Horváth and SFC Orsolya Gál-Szabó.


Lt.-Col. Mejia Alzate Julio Cesar, the commander of the Colombian contingent thanked Lt.-Col. (Eng.) Attila Selmeczi for his work done in the last one and a half years.

Maj.-Gen. Warren J. Whiting, Col. Robert D. Haycock and Chief of Liaison Col. Joel Roy presented the MFO medals for service abroad. Lt.-Col. (Eng.) Attila Selmeczi handed over the Hungarian flag to his successor, Lt.-Col. Attila Nagy.


Photos by the author