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“We Need Many Soldiers Like Him!”

Szöveg: László Szűcs |  2011. február 18. 14:03

Dr. Csaba Hende, the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Hungary presented LTC (Ret.) István Papp with the title “For the Homeland” for his outstanding performance and exemplary courage during his service with the UNAMID peacekeeping mission in Sudan. The award ceremony for the peacekeeper – who was released by his kidnappers in January – was held in the Ministry of Defence in Balaton Street on February 16 in the afternoon hours.

István Papp’s wife and children, as well as MoD Administrative State Secretary Lajos Fodor, Dr. Gábor Szarka, Chief of Cabinet Office, and Péter Siklósi, Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy and Planning also attended the award ceremony on February 16. At the event, Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende presented the former military officer  who was kidnapped in Sudan last October and was released in January  with the distinguishing title “For the Homeland".

“LTC (Ret.) István Papp, who was representing Hungary in Sudan, carried out a difficult mission. He has been working there to demobilize the children of Sudan so they can live true children’s life instead of soldiering"  said Csaba Hende in his welcome address.

The Defence Minister added that “although LTC (Ret.) István Papp has not experienced the most tragic things a soldier may encounter, he has certainly gone through the most difficult patch. He was taken captive and managed to hold out for long weeks and months without physical or mental damage, thanks to the thorough and demanding training he had received as a service member of the Hungarian Defence Forces."

Csaba Hende emphasized that István Papp must know that very many people were praying for his safe return. "Every soldier and every civilian must know that the Republic of Hungary, the Hungarian homeland will never let down anyone, anywhere. We will go after everyone and help everyone get home!"  said the Minister.

“Upon LTC Papp’s return, we witnessed a very touching scene when he knelt down to kiss the Hungarian soil. It was not a theatrical gesture but rather a very sincere one from deep inside. The expression of his commitment and loyalty to the homeland moved all of us. And after all that happened, this tough soldier said he would go back because he has a mission and has not yet completed his job! We need many soldiers like him and thank God, we do have many indeed!"  said Csaba Hende.

István Papp said that a few days earlier he had been very surprised to receive an invitation to the Ministry of Defence. It made him feel good because he still considers himself a soldier and has not forgotten his 30-year time in service.

"Survival instinct and the love of life know no law! You cannot simply give up and die, especially when you want to live so much! My being a soldier, the training I received and my patriotism have all been instrumental in achieving that I can be here today. What is more, I still have some work to do"  said the retired lieutenant-colonel, adding that upon his release he could feel that a whole country stood by him.

“I am glad to be home again! It will soon turn out how long I will stay in Hungary before going on another mission abroad. I am flying to New York on February 27 because my bosses have not seen me since I was released. Fortunately, they support my participation in another mission but I cannot join UNAMID in Sudan for security reasons"  said István Papp, who also mentioned the prospect of going to Haiti on his next mission. “That is a different country with different challenges and problems, but I will continue to remain a Hungarian!"  said the retired military officer.



Photo: Mária Krasznai-Nehrebeczky