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The Hejce Tragedy is the Symbol of Common Mourning

Szöveg: Szabolcs Nyulas |  2019. január 19. 13:26

The name of Hejce has become synonymous with the tragedy, and probably it always will be the symbol of the Slovak-Hungarian common mourning – Minister of Defence Tibor Benkő said at the commemoration held at the settlement of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemlén County on 19th January.

On the anniversary of the Slovak military aircraft’ tragedy, 13 years ago, the Minister said that the Borsó-hill rising above Hejce, preserves and keeps watch – as a silent memorial – over the secrets of the last thoughts of the Slovak soldier heroes on board of the aircraft, which remain beyond our reach forever. The Minister highlighted the role of the people participating in the rescue efforts following the tragedy, and emphasised that we owe a debt of gratitude to all the soldiers, policemen, ambulance, disaster management professionals, foresters and local civilians, who struggled with an unbelievable, heroic effort, hoping that they can help those in trouble. The tragedy forged a forever-knit community of the helpers, who preserve and cherish the memory of the victims with reverence – he added.


"We will never forget the dreadful night of 19th January, 2006, and our 42 Slovak comrade soldier heroes, who selflessly gave hope to the Balkan people for a better, more liveable world in the last months of their earthly lives in Kosovo, and be proud of that, the way they took pride in their mission" – the Minister highlighted, reminding that the aircraft carrying the troops on board was only a few minutes away from the Kassa airport, but in the end it never arrived there.

The Slovak Defence Minister Peter Gajdos said that on the anniversary of the tragedy they pay tribute to the memory of the thirty-nine men and three women, who were killed thirteen years ago. There is never a way to prepare for people’s death, and it is even harder to cope with the bereavement, if the stroke of fate hits unexpectedly. The grief of the relatives will never go away, because it is impossible to forget those whom they loved – he added. The Minister expressed his thanks to the inhabitants of Hejce for the care, with which they surround the monument in the village, and for the solidarity, that they received from the citizens, and especially from the members of the Hungarian Defence Forces.


Before the ceremonial addresses, the two Ministers had visited the headboards standing on the Borsó-hill, then attended the holy mass celebrated in memory of the victims of the tragedy, and finally they placed the flowers and wreaths of tribute at the village monument. Among others, Lt.-Gen. Ferenc Korom, the Commander of the Hungarian Defence Forces, and Lt.-Gen. Daniel Zmekó, Chief of the General Staff of the Slovak Armed Forces were in attendance at the event.

Thirteen years ago, 19th January, 2006, in the evening hours, one of the An-24 aircraft of the Slovak Air Force crashed into Borsó-hill near the Kassa Airport, only thirty kilometres from the runway. 42 soldiers on their way home from the Kosovo peace-keeping mission lost their lives, with only one person surviving the disaster. The tragedy has been commemorated every year since then in Hejce, by those who lost their loved ones, the soldier comrades, the leaders of the Slovak Armed Forces and the HDF, the persons then participating in the rescue works and the locals, and the only survivor, Martin Farkas, who took part at the ceremony this time as well.


Photos of Veronika Dévényi