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Change of EUFOR Chief of Staff in Bosnia

Szöveg: Lt.-Col. Henrik Csányi |  2019. május 15. 15:29

In a ceremony, held on Tuesday, 14th May, Brigadier General László Szabó took over the Chief of Staff position from his predecessor, Brigadier General Gábor Horváth in Sarajevo.

The Transfer of Authority (TOA) ceremony, organised in Camp Butmir, was attended by COMEUFOR Major General Martin Dorfer, and was honoured by the participation of H.E. Krisztián Pósa, the Ambassador of Hungary accredited to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and also present were the military and political leaders delegated by the nations and international organisations present in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the high-ranking commanders of the Bosnian Army. The Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF) was represented by Brigadier General Albert Sáfár, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the HDF Command.

In his address, Brigadier General Gábor Horváth thanked the soldiers of the twenty nations, the members of the local military and police forces for the work of the past one year. In his reply speech Brigadier General László Szabó highlighted that he takes over a well-organised, professionally trained staff, which will meet the expectations in the coming year as well.

As a symbol of the Transfer of Authority ceremony, Brigadier General László Szabó took over the EUFOR colours from COMEUFOR, Major General Martin Dorfer, then Brigadier General Albert Sáfár presented a token of appreciation to Brigadier General Gábor Horváth. At the end of the ceremony, Major General Martin Dorfer commended the outgoing Chief of Staff for his high-level duty, and wished every success to the successor.

Photos of EUFOR HQ PAK