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„Snowman Exercise” – Joint Exercise in Kosovo

Szöveg: Captain Piroska Kozák |  2019. február 13. 9:41

KFOR Tactical Reserve Battalion (KTRBN) takes part in a two-day exercise in early February jointly with the soldiers of the Multinational Battle Group – West (MNBG-W) in Decan, in western Kosovo.

The objective of the combined Snowman exercise was to practice the defence of the Decan monastery. During this the 2nd company of the Hungarian contingent participated in the Crowd and Riot Control (CRC) task, supporting the Italian and Austrian companies of the MNBG-W.


The subunits travelled from Pec, the camp of the battle group to the scene of the exercise by helicopter, where they had to face a "hostile crowd" played by a platoon comprising Moldavian soldiers. During the exercise the Hungarian, Italian and Austrian soldiers carried out the CRC-tasks in successful collaboration, among others crossing the barricade built by the "hostile crowd", and clearing the barricaded road section, and also the so called Fire Phobia training, i.e. overcoming the fear of fire. In the last phase, the Austrian soldiers were tasked with the medical rescue of one of the soldiers of the Hungarian company.


Lt.-Col. Bosko Haupt, the Slovenian Deputy Commander of the Multinational Battle Group – West attributed the perfect co-operation, with which the two major tactical subunits of KFOR implemented the training task of simulating real situation to the success of the exercise, Demonstrating by this that the peace of the Balkan theatre remains in safe and expert hands.


Photos of Sergeant Márta Róbert and the author