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Minister of Defence Receives State Secretary of Serbian Ministry of Defence

Szöveg: Ministry of Defence |  2018. február 9. 12:20

Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó received, on an office call, State Secretary of the Serbian Ministry of Defence Aleksandar Zivkovic. The Serbian MoD delegation led by Aleksandar Zivkovic arrived in Hungary as part of a delegation headed by Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic in the framework of a two-day Hungarian-Serbian intergovernmental joint session.

During the plenary discussions, Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó stated that the stability of the Balkans region is in Hungary’s fundamental interest, and Serbia is an important partner for Hungary in this regard. The Euro-Atlantic integration of the countries in the region is an essential means for the stabilization of the region, the minister added. He also pointed out that our cooperation with Serbia has outstanding significance in dealing with illegal migration.


At the meeting, the Minister of Defence emphasized that the bilateral military cooperation between Hungary and Serbia is excellent and must be continued. He called exemplary the cooperation in the UNFICYP mission which has been going on since 2010 in Cyprus, where Hungarian and Serbian peacekeepers are working together in an excellent way.


Agreeing with his Serbian partner, Dr. István Simicskó stated that the agreement on military mapping between the two ministries of defence – which is to be signed at the intergovernmental joint session – is another important step of the cooperation.


Sharing the Hungarian defence minister’s view on the significance of cooperation, State Secretary Zivkovic said special thanks for the Hungarian role in KFOR.

Photo: Veronika Dévényi