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Allied leaders pledge to reverse defence cuts, reaffirm transatlantic bond

2014. szeptember 5. 20:00

The Alliance’s 28 leaders agreed at their Wales Summit on Friday (5 September 2014) to reverse the trend of declining defence budgets and raise them over the coming decade, a move that will further strengthen the transatlantic bond. “In this dangerous world we recognise that we need to invest additional effort and money so today the Alliance made a pledge on defence investment,” said NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.


Secretary General: Summit will forge a stronger NATO for a more complex world

2014. szeptember 4. 12:08

The NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen stressed on Thursday (4 September 2014) that the Wales summit will forge a stronger NATO for a more complex and chaotic world, during an address to the Atlantic Council of the United States “Future Leaders Summit” in Newport, Wales, ahead of the start of the leader’s gathering.


NATO leaders to gather for crucial Summit in Wales this week

2014. szeptember 3. 11:51

Heads of state and government leaders from the Alliance’s 28 member nations will take key decisions to ensure NATO is prepared to address current and future security challenges at a two-day Summit in Newport, Wales, which starts on Thursday (4 September 2014).


NATO stands by Ukraine, Secretary General says in Kiev

2014. augusztus 8. 15:29

NATO stands by Ukraine and is looking to strengthen its partnership with the country at the Alliance’s summit in Wales next month, Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said during a visit to Kiev on Thursday (7 August 2014).


NATO Secretary General, British Prime Minister, SACEUR discuss Ukraine crisis

2014. augusztus 5. 18:39

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen discussed the impact of the Ukraine crisis on the Alliance’s collective security with British Prime Minister David Cameron and Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) Gen. Philip Breedlove at Allied Command Operations headquarters in Mons, Belgium on Monday (4 August 2014).


Secretary General praises strong US leadership in talks with President Obama

2014. július 13. 11:02

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen thanked President Barack Obama for his country’s leadership within the Alliance and strong commitment to transatlantic security during talks with the United States president at the White House on Tuesday (8 July 2014) which focused on preparations for this September NATO Summit in Wales. “I am particularly grateful for the support the United States has provided in response to Russia’s unacceptable actions in Ukraine,” the Secretary General said.


NATO mine clearance project advances in Azerbaijan

2014. július 12. 10:32

Jeyranchel, in northeastern Azerbaijan covers an area of about 62 square kilometres just along the Georgian border. From 1955 until 1991, the former Soviet Army used the site as a live-firing range. Unexploded ordnance (UXO) and mines remained, much of it hidden underground, threatening security and livelihoods.


Secretary General calls on Europe and America to renew their commitment to transatlantic security

2014. július 10. 15:25

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen called on America and Europe to renew their commitment to shared security in light of the new threats the world is facing, in a speech delivered at the Atlantic Council of the United States in Washington on Monday (7 July) ahead of his meeting with president Barack Obama.


ISAF Defence Ministers discuss 2014 mission, election preparations

2014. június 10. 9:00

NATO Defence Ministers and their counterparts from ISAF partner nations met with Afghan Defence Minister Bismullah Khan Mohammadi on Wednesday (4 June 2014) to review progress in the ISAF mission and preparations for the second round of Afghan presidential elections.


NATO Defence Ministers decide to extend NATO’s counter-piracy mission until 2016

2014. június 9. 13:00

NATO Defence Ministers on Tuesday (3 June) decided to extend NATO’s counter-piracy operation Ocean Shield until the end of 2016.