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Secretary General stresses NATO’s commitment to collective security in visit to Lithuania

2014. november 26. 14:28

The Alliance’s Air Policing Mission over the three Baltic States was hailed as a concrete example of NATO solidarity in action by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg during a visit to the Karmelava Airspace Control Centre in Lithuania on Friday (21 November 2014). ”Collective defence is our core task,” Mr Stoltenberg said, “NATO stands with Lithuania – as we do with each and every Ally.”


NATO and the OSCE exchange views on situation in Ukraine

2014. november 17. 17:00

The Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Ambassador Lamberto Zannier, visited NATO HQ on Wednesday 12 November.


NATO-Industry Forum 2014

2014. november 7. 11:03

This year’s NATO-Industry Forum in Split, Croatia on 13 November will provide the first major opportunity for NATO and defence industry representatives to discuss security needs and priorities since the NATO Summit reaffirmed the importance of a strong, cooperative defence industry across the Alliance in September.


NATO and Afghanistan ready to open new chapter, NATO Secretary General stresses in Kabul

2014. november 7. 6:22

ISAF has achieved what it set out to do and NATO is now ready to open a new chapter in its relationship with Afghanistan, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on thursday, 6 November in Kabul, after meeting President Ghani and Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah in Kabul.


NATO Secretary General in Afghanistan to mark NATO’s commitment beyond 2014

2014. november 7. 5:18

The NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is visiting Afghanistan to take stock of the progress made during the thirteen-year ISAF mission, which will be completed at the end of the year, to thank international and Afghan troops, and to reaffirm NATO’s continued engagement, including through the launch of the new mission Resolute Support on January 1.


NATO Secretary General visits Afghanistan

2014. november 6. 20:11

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is currently visiting Afghanistan.


NATO Naval Drills Begin in Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean

2014. október 22. 13:00

A large fleet of naval vessels is taking part in the multinational “Noble Justification” military exercise which is underway in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean.


NATO Secretary General thanks Allied pilots, crews in visit to Polish airbase

2014. október 10. 9:00

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg thanked air force personnel from Poland and many other Allied countries on Monday (06 October 2014) for their service and for protecting the airspace over the Eastern part of the Alliance during a visit to the Łask airbase in central Poland. “You are doing an important job,” the Secretary General said. He stressed that “you come from many countries across the Alliance but you send one clear message: NATO is here. NATO is here to protect you. NATO is here to protect all Allies.”


NATO will defend every Ally, NATO Secretary General stresses in Poland

2014. október 9. 9:00

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stressed that NATO would defend every Ally on a visit to Poland on Monday (6 October 2014). “NATO’s most important task is to protect and defend our nations against attack. We will defend our Allies, all Allies”, Mr Stoltenberg said after meetings with Polish President Bronisław Komorowski and Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz in Warsaw.


Experts discuss NATO nuclear policy issues in Wroclaw, Poland

2014. október 8. 9:00

National experts and NATO officials involved in all aspects of NATO nuclear deterrence policy met in Wroclaw, Poland from 1-3 October (2014) for talks on current nuclear policy issues.