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Statement by the NATO Secretary General on events in Ukraine

2014. január 22. 20:11

I am extremely concerned about the dramatic developments in Ukraine and the reports of several deaths in Kyiv.


NATO Secretary General condemns attack in Kabul

2014. január 22. 9:00

I condemn in the strongest terms the barbaric attack on Friday evening in Kabul, which has led to the death of at least 16 Afghan civilians and foreign nationals, including international staff dedicated to helping the Afghan people create a better future. I express my deepest condolences to the families of those who lost their lives and I wish speedy recovery to the wounded.


Statement by the NATO Secretary General on the 20th anniversary of the Partnership for Peace

2014. január 15. 9:01

Twenty years ago today, at the Brussels Summit, NATO Heads of State and Government took a far-reaching decision: to create a Partnership for Peace with the countries of the Euro-Atlantic area. Their vision was of a partnership that would reach across borders and ideological divides of the past; a partnership that would build peace and security through consultation, cooperation, and common action based on shared values of democracy, fundamental freedoms and human rights.


Tenth anniversary of NATO’s Air Policing mission in the Baltic States

2014. január 14. 9:00

NATO’s Commander of Allied Air Command (AIRCOM), together with the Lithuanian Minister of National Defence and the commanders of Belgian and United States air components, marked the 10th anniversary of NATO’s Air Policing mission in the Baltic States during a handover ceremony at the Šiauliai Air Base in Lithuania on 3 January (2014).


Busy agenda for NATO in 2014, as the Alliance prepares for Wales Summit

2014. január 4. 12:13

The year ahead promises to be a busy one for NATO as the Alliance gears up for two key events: a summit in the United Kingdom in September and the end of the NATO-led combat mission in Afghanistan at the end of 2014.


NATO Secretary General condemns terrorist attack in Russia

2014. január 3. 9:20

I strongly condemn the terrorist attack on a railway station in Volgograd, Russia, which killed and injured many people.


NATO Secretary General welcomes the start of negotiations on Status of Forces Agreement with Afghanistan

2014. január 2. 9:00

As mutually agreed by NATO and the Government of Afghanistan, we have decided to open negotiations on the NATO Status of Forces Agreement.


The Prospects for NATO and EU Defence Cooperation

2014. január 1. 6:03

As EU leaders are to discuss major defence issues in earnest for the first time since 2008 at Thursday’s 19 December European Union Council, NATO Review looks at how this and other developments could positively impact collaboration between NATO and the EU.


General Knud Bartels extended as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

2013. december 30. 8:22

On 3 December 2013, the Danish Government agreed to extend General Knud Bartels as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee until mid-2015.


Director General of International Military Staff identifies NATO’s key challenges

2013. december 29. 7:01

In 2014, NATO will mark its 65th year as the world’s most powerful and successful military alliance. Speaking at the Royal United Services Institute on Tuesday (10 Dec. 2013), Air Marshal Sir Christopher Harper, Director General of NATO International Military Staff, discussed the key challenges the Alliance must seek “to restore its experience, capability and capacity to operate throughout the full range of the conflict spectrum.”