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In Kabul, NATO Secretary General relays message of Alliance commitment to Afghanistan

2013. március 6. 9:42

The Alliance will stay committed to Afghanistan after its ISAF combat mission ends at the end of 2014, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Monday 4 March after talks with President Hamid Karzai in Kabul. “Let there be no doubt: our commitment is certain, to the end of transition and beyond it. NATO will stand by you,” the Secretary General said.


All NATO Patriot batteries in Turkey operational

2013. február 19. 9:07

The final of six Patriot missile batteries deployed to Turkey was declared operational under NATO command and control on Friday, 15 February 2013.


NATO Secretary General welcomes the President of the European Commission at NATO Headquarters

2013. február 13. 15:46

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen met with the President of the European Commission José Manuel Durão Barroso on Monday, 11 February 2013 at NATO Headquarters.


North Atlantic Council strongly condemns North Korean nuclear test

2013. február 12. 12:36

We condemn in the strongest terms the test by North Korea of a nuclear weapon, conducted in flagrant violation of relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions.


First US Patriot battery under NATO command and control

2013. február 8. 9:07

On a hillside overlooking the city of Gaziantep, the US Patriot missile launchers were activated under NATO command and control today.


Building connectivity between Special Forces and partners

2013. február 6. 9:04

Optimising the employment of Special Forces and building on the lessons learnt in current operations is crucial to improving Alliance capabilities. To help do this, the NATO Special Operations Headquarters (NSHQ) is training Allied and partner Special Forces to improve their interoperability and to create a network of trained personnel.


Hold the line on defence spending, Secretary General urges

2013. február 2. 6:03

Allies should hold the line on defence spending and look for ways to close the gaps in their capabilities, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said as he launched his second Annual Report on 31 January 2013.


Interoperability, capabilities, partnerships top priority for Gen. Paloméros

2013. január 22. 9:00

General Jean-Paul Paloméros said on Monday (14 January) that his top three priorities as Supreme Allied Commander Transformation were to foster Allied interoperability and capabilities and bolstering cooperation with partners.


A fegyveres konfliktusokba bevont gyermekek támogatása érdekében

2012. február 26. 13:30

Február 22-én a NATO és az ISAF-partnernemzetek együttműködésük további fokozásáról állapodtak meg az ENSZ-szel a fegyveres konfliktusokba bevont gyerekek támogatása érdekében.


Hatvanévnyi tagság évfordulóján

2012. február 26. 6:03

Hatvan évvel ezelőtt, 1952. február 18-án Görögország és Törökország az Észak-atlanti Szerződés Szervezete (NATO) tagjaivá váltak. Ez volt a szövetség bővítésének első köre, alig három évvel annak megalakulása után.