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22 May. 2013 Statement by the NATO Secretary General on the suspected terrorist attack in London

2013. május 29. 9:01

I strongly condemn this shocking and barbaric crime. Such attacks can never be justified.


NATO Secretary General addresses NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Luxembourg

2013. május 23. 9:07

The NATO-led mission in Afghanistan was a main point of discussion during the joint meeting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and the North Atlantic Council at the Assembly’s spring session, attended by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on Friday (17 May 2013) in Luxembourg.


NATO Chiefs of Defence discuss Afghanistan, Partnerships and Transformation

2013. május 21. 10:00

Brussels – NATO Chiefs of Defence reaffirmed their commitment to support the ISAF Commander over the next 19 months, which will be crucial in determining the outcome of the mission.


Secretary General receives prestigious US Atlantic Council award

2013. május 3. 18:00

Anders Fogh Rasmussen received a Distinguished International Leadership Award from the Atlantic Council of the United States for his service both as NATO Secretary General and as Prime Minister of Denmark on Wednesday (1 May 2013) in Washington DC.


NATO’s support to Afghan army sustainment takes shape

2013. április 29. 16:31

Foreign ministers from NATO and ISAF partner nations made progress in shaping NATO’s long-term support to Afghanistan at a meeting in Brussels on Tuesday (23 April 2013).


NATO and Japan sign Political Declaration for a stronger partnership

2013. április 17. 9:04

Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen signed a Joint Political Declaration with the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe which provides a framework for the further developmont of the relationship between NATO and Japan. “I am convinced that the joint political declaration we have just signed will make our partnership even stronger in the future,” said the Secretary General during his visit to Tokyo on Monday (15 April).


First ever NATO Secretary General visit to Republic of Korea ends

2013. április 14. 6:03

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen concluded a three-day trip to the Republic of Korea on Saturday (April 13) with a short visit to the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).


Statement by NATO Secretary General on the death of Baroness Thatcher

2013. április 8. 19:26

I am deeply saddened by the death of Baroness Thatcher. I express my most profound condolences to her family and the people of the United Kingdom.


Secretary General sees significant shift in security in Helmand

2013. március 19. 10:03

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen gave an update on NATO’s Afghan mission and his recent visit to Helmand province during his monthly press conference held at NATO headquarters on Monday 18 March 2013.


Involving women in preventing, managing and resolving conflicts

2013. március 8. 19:00

NATO and its operational partners in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Kosovo Force (KFOR) are demonstrating a strong commitment to promoting the important role that women can play in preventing, managing and resolving conflicts.