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NATO Secretary General addresses NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Luxembourg

Szöveg: / |  2013. május 23. 9:07

The NATO-led mission in Afghanistan was a main point of discussion during the joint meeting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and the North Atlantic Council at the Assembly’s spring session, attended by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on Friday (17 May 2013) in Luxembourg.

"In 2001, Afghanistan was used as a launching pad by international terrorists to devastating effect. That launching pad is no more and the threat to our nations has been reduced. So we have made real and tangible progress," the Secretary General said.


“NATO’s job is not to build a perfect state. We went to Afghanistan to protect our security by helping Afghans take control of their own, and that is what we are doing, as requested by the Afghan government and mandated by the United Nations," Mr Fogh Rasmussen stressed.
The Secretary General said that Afghan soldiers and police now have the lead for security for 87 per cent of the population. “They deliver up to 90 per cent of their own training and they lead 95 per cent of all operations," he said. Mr Fogh Rasmussen concluded by saying, “We have faced tremendous challenges and there are still challenges ahead. But with our support, Afghanistan has a strong foundation to build a secure future. It is ultimately for the Afghans to make that a success."

The Secretary General, the members of the North Atlantic Council and of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly addressed a range of topical issues during their discussion, including regional security challenges in North Africa and the Middle East, Kosovo, the development of defence capabilities, NATO’s Open Door policy, partnerships, transparency and military exercises.

Mr. Fogh Rasmussen also met separately with Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker during his visit to the Grand Duchy.