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Lt.-Col. Márta Iglódi Nagyné


Event Series Marking St. Barbara’s Day in Camp Butmir

2017. december 8. 9:00

On 2 December, on the occasion of St. Barbara’s Day, a commemoration and a number of programs were held in Camp Butmir, Sarajevo. The Hungarian soldiers serving in individual positions at NATO HQ Sarajevo (NHQSa) and the personnel of the 21st rotation of the HDF EUFOR Contingent co-organized the events to mark the Day of GBAD units and artillerymen.


Hungary’s National Day Commemorated in Sarajevo

2017. november 3. 9:00

A ceremonial staff meeting was recently held in Camp Butmir, Sarajevo on the occasion of 23 October, Hungary’s National Day. The event was attended by the members of the 21st rotation of the Hungarian Defence Forces EUFOR Contingent (EUFOR-21 HUNCON) serving in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Hungarian soldiers serving in individual positions at NATO and EUFOR commands. EUFOR Chief of Staff Brig.-Gen. József Szpisják also honored the staff meeting with his presence.


Quick Response 2017 – International Exercise in Bosnia-Herzegovina

2017. október 19. 9:00

The official opening ceremony of the EUFOR-led international exercise “Quick Response 2017” was held in Bosnia-Herzegovina on 11 October.