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Tíz éves a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem

2021. március 22. 8:34

Tíz évvel ezelőtt, 2011. márciusában döntött az Országgyűlés a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem (NKE) létesítéséről. A világjárvány elleni keserves küzdelemben és nemzeti ünnepünk csendjében is illő emlékezni arra a napra, amelyen a Magyar Állam alapítói döntése megszületett.


The European Christian civilization has become fragile

2018. február 8. 13:51

Speaking on Thursday in Tata, at the farewell ceremony of the 18th rotation of the Hungarian Defence Forces KFOR Contingent, Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó stated that the present period has made the European Christian civilization fragile. There are people in Brussels and elsewhere who would like to make us forget that we must reinforce these values.


The government will not compromise the security of Hungarians

2016. február 18. 10:10

Speaking at a forum held in Budapest on Wednesday, 17 February, the Minister of Defence stated that “the government will not compromise the security of Hungarians, therefore its aim is to get enough room for maneuvering in the fight against terrorism”.


Military presence serves as a deterrent

2016. február 2. 11:20

Speaking in the InfoRádió program “Aréna” on Monday evening, the Minister of Defence emphasized that “The Hungarian Defence Forces also have the mission to show their strength. In his opinion, showcasing the capacity of the state to take action serves as a deterrent to terrorists.


The Hungarian People’s Security Always Comes First

2016. január 29. 10:30

At a press briefing held after the annual assessment and tasking conference of the leaders of the Hungarian Defence Forces, Minister of Defence Dr. István Simicskó stated that “the government of Hungary will not compromise on the security of Hungarian people, and that’s the most important thing”.


A nép, a templom, a hit ugyanaz

2013. április 28. 16:23

Az ország talán legfontosabb Árpád-kori román stílusú műemléke a jáki templom, amely most részben megújulhatott – hangsúlyozta Hende Csaba azon az ünnepségen, amelyen Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök jelenlétében adták át április 28-án, vasárnap délben a részben felújított jáki templomot.


It Cannot Occur that the State Does Not Protect Its Citizens

2013. január 30. 10:05

Never again can it happen that somebody is excluded, deprived of all properties and murdered because of his or her religion or descent. Never again can it occur that the thousand-year-old Hungarian state cannot protect its citizens – Csaba Hende said at a commemoration held on the occasion of the Holocaust Remembrance Day in Uránia National Cinema.


Hungary’s Air Defence System Has Significantly Improved

2012. december 22. 6:02

“Hungary’s air defence system has significantly improved with the Gripen fighters entering service” – the commander of the Hungarian Defence Forces 59th Szentgyörgyi Dezső Air Base said at this year’s last meeting of the Military Correspondents’ Circle on Tuesday, December 11.


There Is No Discrimination in the Hungarian Defence Forces

2012. december 5. 17:57

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the National Roma Self-Government (OCÖ) have signed a cooperation agreement on providing education and finding jobs for young gypsies who are fit for and have interest in the military service; the document was signed by Minister of Defence Csaba Hende and Flórián Farkas, the president of the OCÖ in Budapest on November 27.


The Hungarians Are the Most Popular of All NATO Troops

2012. december 5. 10:06

“Afghan civilians like Hungarian soldiers the most, and the soldiers of the Afghan National Army (ANA) like to work with them the most too”, Lt.-Col. Mohammad Salim Ahmadi (ANA) stated on Monday, December 3 in an interview given to the special correspondent of Hungarian News Agency MTI.