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Róbert Kátai


Change Of Command Ceremony In The West

2010. május 13. 6:53

A change of command ceremony at KFOR’s Multinational Battle Group–West (MNBG–W) took place on 7 May in the town of Pec/Pejë, in the parade ground of camp Villaggio Italia. Lieutenant General Markus J. Bentler, Commander, KFOR was also present at the event. 


Information Society Built With Hungarian Support

2010. április 28. 7:03

In the third week of April a multi-stage IT development project has been completed in the area of responsibility of the HDF KFOR Contingent. Thanks to the CIMIC team of the contingent, students in four secondary schools have received new IT equipments that will contribute to the preparation for the challenges of the information society.


Hungarians Helped The Needy

2010. április 9. 7:45

The CIMIC team of the HDF KFOR Contingent was really busy in the last week of March: two of the projects planned earlier have been completed. In Pristina, they donated special equipments to the blind women of Kosovo, while in Djakovica the school of economy received new IT equipments, which has made the students very happy.


Deployment Direction 2009: Background Work In The Forefront

2009. szeptember 22. 6:50

Although exercise Deployment Direction was officially opened only this week, but the creation of the proper conditions for implementation has already started in the middle of August. The troops of the HDF 64th ’József Boconádi Szabó’ Logistics Regiment and HDF 43rd Signal and Command Support Regiment are not in the limelight, yet their work is essential to the successful implementation of the task.